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Aerotech 175
Aerospace Technology
Our Mission
Fusion 360
Introduction to 3D Modeling for Manufacturing
1A Course resources
2A Introduction to modeling
2B Create and edit a sketch
2C Create and edit a 3D model
2D Create a technical drawing
2E Practice exercise
2F Challenge exercise
3A Introduction to parametric sketching
3B Sketch splines and slots
3C Sketch text
3D Create sketch Intersections and projections
3E Practice exercise
3F Challenge exercise
4A Introduction to parametric modeling
4B Add sketch Canvas images
4C Create a 3D model solid trigger
4D Manage physical materials and appearances
4E Practice exercise
4F Challenge exercise
5A Introduction to freeform and direct modeling
5B Insert edges and bridge form bodies
5C Refine complete the form body
5D Resize features with direct modeling
5E Move and rotate features with direct modeling
5F Practice exercise
5G Challenge exercise
6A Introduction to assembly modeling
6B Re-create reciprocating saw motion
6C Practice exercise
6D Challenge exercise
7A Introduction to technical drawing
7B Create a drawing sheet and views
7C Add geometry and dimensions to a drawing
7D Add GD & T text and symbols
7E Place an exploded view
7F Edit a title block
7G Practice exercise
7H Challenge exercise
8A Introduction to rendering
8B Create a rendered image
8C Practice exercise
8D Challenge exercise
9A Course challenge exercise
Barn Raising Event
Technical Library
High Tech Aircraft
Payment method and online sign-in sheet for Fusion 360 course.
Technical Library
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